CDA of PEI is a network of Career Development Professionals who work with people of all ages to help them manage their learning, work, leisure, and transitions. The goal of career services is to help people pursue learning, find work which is personally meaningful, and learn how to manage transitions in today’s ever-evolving labour market.
When it's time to start your job search, you may not know where to look to find a job. It's good to remember that there is help available while navigating through our career planning.
Jenna Gaudet is a member of the Career Development Association of PEI. She works full-time as an Administrative Assistant at the University of PEI in the Department of Work-Integrated Learning and the English Language Centre. She is known to be an energetic, creative person who is easy to network with.
Her journey
During her time at Mount Allison University in Sackville, New Brunswick, she helped others by working as an undergraduate Teaching Assistant for Dr. Michael Gregg in the Anthropology Department. She helped develop and grade online projects studying anthropological factors of the shale gas industry.
Becoming a Research Assistant in 2013 for the Cultural Ecosystem Services Project (CESP), Jenna worked hard to conduct primary research in the Northshore Mi’kmaq District Council Communities.
She went on to a job as a Research Assistant for the Joseph Howe Project, where she studied Howe’s 1842 involvement in Indigenous affairs in Nova Scotia. She prepared material for presentation, recreated maps, and reviewed and transcribed Howe’s 1842 manuscript of his travels through Nova Scotia.
After attending university, Jenna moved back to PEI, and began working at UPEI in her current role in 2017. As a side gig, she also became a creative Artist at the East Coast Art Party. From 2017 to 2019, she hosted and led painting events held across PEI.
At UPEI, Jenna helps to plan and coordinate various events on campus, including annual volunteer, career, and job fairs. In her short time in career development, she has learned many things about working in the field.
“You need to want to help people and be prepared for change. Don't feel like you need to be an expert. It’s never too late to learn new things.”
For more information about Career Services at the University of PEI, click here For more information about the Career Development Association of PEI, click here