2024 Training for Career Development Professionals
CDA of PEI, in partnership with Canadian Career Development Foundation (CCDF) is offering training courses. Anyone is welcome to sign up for the courses indicated below, however we have limited funds through Workforce, Advanced Learning, and Population - SkillsPEI division offering a 50% subsidy.
There is also a 15% fee of the full cost of each course which is a CDA of PEI administration fee.
The next cohort of training start and completion dates are as follows: October 1, 2024 until January 31, 2025
All participants must be members of CDA of PEI. Join CDA of PEI
This training supports Career Development Professionals on PEI to meet Canadian standards, carry new strategies into their work with clients, and connect to a broader community of practice on the Island across Canada and around the world. The training reflects Canadian standards for effective and ethical practice, current and emergent labour market trends, and best practice internationally.
These courses targeted to Career Development Professionals will help promote the full employability of Islanders by raising the bar and establishing a professionalized, vibrant, and high quality career service across the Province.
Courses include the following:
Career Development Foundations ($450 - 50% SkillsPEI funding = $225 per person*) This course provides participants with an introduction to career development, exploring what it is and presenting a process (the 4M model) that highlights its key elements. The course includes hands-on experience with a range of practical and creative career development interventions targeted to major career development issues faced by youth, young adults and not so young adults!
Career Development for Persons with Disability ($100- 50% SkillsPEI funding = $50 per person*) This short course is an extension of the Career Development Foundations course that provides an overview of relevant statistics, current career outcomes and available protections for persons living with disabilities in Canada. It looks at the evolving definition of disability and the five main categories of disability consistently included in current definitions. This topic then revisits the 4M model in the context of serving persons with disabilities. It's a chance to consider how best to support your clients and students who are living with disabilities to meander, maneuver, find meaning and maintain momentum.
Career Development Theories ($450 - 50% SkillsPEI funding = $225 per person*) This course enables practitioners to build a critical mass of knowledge and skill as a foundation on which to base their practice in career development. The course makes career development theories both understandable and relevant by constantly relating them to day-to-day practice realities. In this way, practice becomes grounded in a theoretical perspective that is congruent and meaningful to learners.
The Career Development Process ($450 - 50% SkillsPEI funding = $225 per person*) This course builds the core skills and specialized techniques needed to effectively establish and maintain a working alliance with clients and deliver quality career services. It supports learners in practicing the skills underpinning the working alliance and client engagement in the context of the career service delivery model. The course explores key contributors to client self-management and enhances the capacity of learners to deal with reluctant clients, identify success indicators and monitor progress. This course also provides an opportunity for career development practitioners to refine their personal approaches to practice.
Ethics in Career Development Practice ($300 - 50% SkillsPEI funding = $150 per person*) The goal of this course is to enable learners to develop the theoretical and reflective foundation necessary for ethical service delivery. This course prepares learners to meet the core requirements for ethical practice as set out in the Competency Framework for Career Development Professionals (CDPs) and, specifically, the Code of Ethics. The course will also provide learners with an ethical decision-making model to guide your approach to ethical dilemmas.
Using Labour Market Information in Career Services ($450 - 50% SkillsPEI funding = $225 per person*) This course prepares participants to better access, understand and apply labour market information (LMI) in their work with clients. Integrating both formal and informal LMI, this course teaches strategies to find, make sense of and apply LMI in meaningful ways to support better career development with students and clients.
Work Search ($450 - 50% SkillsPEI funding = $225 per person*) This course prepares career development practitioners to help students/clients transition into jobs, find/create meaningful work, and develop personalized plans for effective work search. Comprised of five self-directed modules, this practical and timely course is geared to helping learners build their expertise in work search strategies for today’s emergent labour market.
Strategies and Tools for Quality Career Service Delivery ($175- 50% SkillsPEI funding = $87.50 per person*) This short course (a sub-set of the full Career Development Process course) introduces the Employment Service Delivery Model (ESDM): an outline of the main phases, steps and sub-steps involved in service delivery. It then digs into the process underpinning the ESDM, fleshing out the main components of service delivery - from the initial employability assessment to goal setting and action planning, and including the cycle of assessing progress and refining the goal and plan to achieve success.
Networking and Interviews ($100- 50% SkillsPEI funding = $50 per person*) This chapter of the VOCO Work Search curriculum can be taken as a standalone short course. Completion of this chapter will entitle learners to a coupon code for a discount off the Work Search curriculum equivalent to the value of this chapter, and an email endorsing the completion of 8 CEU hours. This chapter does not offer a course certificate.
Resumes, Cover Letters and Portfolios ($100 - 50% SkillsPEI funding = $50 per person*) This chapter of the VOCO Work Search curriculum can be taken as a standalone short course. Completion of this chapter will entitle learners to a coupon code for a discount off the Work Search curriculum equivalent to the value of this chapter, and an email endorsing the completion of 8 CEU hours. This chapter does not offer a course certificate.
Digital Skills and the Gig Economy ($100 - 50% SkillsPEI funding = $50 per person*) This chapter of the VOCO Work Search curriculum can be taken as a standalone short course. Completion of this chapter will entitle learners to a coupon code for a discount off the Work Search curriculum equivalent to the value of this chapter, and an email endorsing the completion of 8 CEU hours. This chapter does not offer a course certificate.
Engage: Dynamic Ways of Connecting ($450 - 50% SkillsPEI funding = $225.00 per person*) Explore the career development process from an actively engaged perspective. Combining ideas from Norm Amundson’s award-winning career development book “Active Engagement” and Andrea Fruhling’s creative career coaching approach, learners will gain a deeper understanding of a more creative, client-centered career development process from start to finish.
Engage: Leaders’ Guide ($450 - 50% SkillsPEI funding = $225.00 per person*) As a team, explore together the career development process from an actively engaged perspective. Combining ideas from Norm Amundson’s award-winning career development book “Active Engagement” and Andrea Fruhling’s creative career coaching approach, learners will gain a deeper understanding of a more creative, client-centered career development process from start to finish. This course is organized in a way that supports teams in an organization wishing to take the Engage course as a cohort. Learn together as a team through a range of shared learning opportunities, simultaneously developing the strength of your organization while supporting individual learning.
Create: The Creativity of Career Development ($450 - 50% SkillsPEI funding = $225.00 per person*) Learn about harnessing the power of creativity and imagination as a way to gain new perspectives and support clients in new, more impactful ways. Combining ideas from Norm Amundson’s award-winning career development book “Active Engagement” and Andrea Fruhling’s creative career coaching approach, learners will gain a deeper understanding of a more creative, client-centered career development process from start to finish.
*Plus 15% CDA of PEI administration fee
Registration deadline is Friday, September 27, 2024. You will be invoiced within 7 days.
Each participant can register ASAP and we will set up the participant to receive their code and start their module while the payment is being arranged.